Friday, November 15, 2013

Days #4 & #5--Work Before Health?

People are very quick to say things like "don't put work first" or "nothing is more important than your health". While these axioms are certainly true, it's very dismissive of the real difficulty involved in making those moral truths into reality. We all want to put the most important things first overall, but on a day to day basis, it's way more difficult to make this consistently your practice.

I've spent the last 48 hours so engrossed in work, correcting 70ish essays in about a 48 hour time span, that pretty much all else has gone by the wayside. I really meant to exercise today after work, but by the time I got to the end of the day, running on five hours of sleep and having been in the building for 10 hours, the last thing I wanted to do was head down to the cardio room and workout for another 45 minutes. I just wanted to get home to my family, my couch, and my pajamas. It was a real moment of weakness, but I may need to reevaluate my workout goals for next week. I may just be too busy to go to the cardio room numerous times a week. We shall see.

Yesterday was bad-ish eating wise. It was the one year anniversary of Greg and I's last night in the world as childless adults. A year ago yesterday, we ate at Olive Garden together and then headed to labor and delivery for my scheduled induction with the boys. We've decided to make this a tradition, so I didn't count calories really, but I didn't eat virtually anything besides that meal, so I probably was only over by a few hundred calories, and I made up for that today by staying under my calories today by 651 calories! I was so busy during the day and so tired by the end of the night that the thought of eating was completely secondary.

Tomorrow I'm hoping to at least get some writing in. I feel like I should do grading instead, but I'm going to try to follow the "don't put work before your own mental health" rule at least tomorrow, and just write. Work can wait until Monday...maybe.

Goal update...
-Didn't count calories on Day #4, Day #5 was 1,448 calories (651 calories below goal!)
-Cell phone usage is really slipping. I need to get back to this. I'm still making an effort, but it has definitely fallen off which is uncool.
-No writing
-No exercising


  1. Right there with ya. I had a week that looked a lot like yours. In fact, I've only made it into the cardio room twice since I started my goal. The planning, grade, parent communications, working with students have taken over my life. I think my family needs their mommy back. Today's my big boy's birthday. I want to totally focus on him, but in the back of my mind that giant pile of essays is looming. I just want to get going and get it done, but we have a birthday party to prepare for, a house to clean. Notice, there's very little room for self-care in that mix. Sigh. I feel your pain. I need about 8 more hours in a day. Have a great weekend.

  2. I am right with you hun. It is soooo hard to balance it all. I have an exercise bike in my HOUSE and I am so tried when I get home it is really hard for me get up there and on it. I have also been thinking about the cardio room bc I am forced to do it before I leave work. Then there are no excuses.
