Sunday, November 17, 2013

Day #7--BPE: Birthday Party Exhaustion

I wish I had a day off tomorrow like you do not even know. Between running around this morning to get last minute supplies for the party, setting up for the party, having the party, and then carting everything home...this mama is pooped! Add to that that Greg and I have to share the TV tonight since the Chiefs are on Sunday Night Football and a new episode of Walking Dead is on, so I won't even start watching Walking Dead until after the game, and I'm already starting out the week exhausted. Oh, and I have a 7:30am meeting. All of this is my choice, of course, and it's a good kind of exhausted, but still.

Today was a "day off" from calorie counting, but to be honest I really wasn't nearly as bad as I thought I would be because I was so darned busy that there wasn't any time. I talked myself out of McDonald's breakfast, which I was pretty proud of. Also, I stepped on the scale this morning and I was at 243lbs--more than 5lbs down in this one week! Now, of course, most of that is water weight, but I'm going to enjoy the moment anyway.

My new worry, for the coming week, is keeping track of calories as I work my way through the glut of leftovers currently sitting in my fridge. I'm torn between wanting to be healthy and wanting to not waste money by not eating leftovers. I think I'll be fine so long as I pace myself.

And, since it's Sunday, it's time to recap this week's goals and start new ones:

This week, I did pretty well on my calorie counting. I counted on 5 of the 7 days (goal was 6) and stayed pretty consistently well below my 2,100 calorie limit. In the area of my cell phone, I started strong, but tapered off. It's certainly something that I want to address, but maybe not so soon. Writing started strong, but tapered too as work and the party took over my time. I did about 1/3rd of my writing goal for the week. In the area of exercise, I walked 3.1 miles, but my goal was 5.

And goals for next week will be:
  • Count calories every day
  • Try something new with the boys next weekend
  • Write 3,000 words (it's gonna happen this time!)
  • Work out at least twice (preferably in the cardio room at work)
Hope you all had a lovely weekend!

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