Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Day #10--Saved by the Blog

I woke up this morning feeling like someone had put a burning hot stone in my stomach. Additionally, I felt shaky, feverish and groggy. The groggy is certainly just because six hours is an insufficient duration for sleep, but the rest is all because of the overeating I did polishing off most of the leftovers last night.

Whenever I eat well for a bit and then relapse onto my evil ways, I find my body's reaction quite unsettling. My body acts as though it has been poisoned, which it more or less has been. This begs the question, do I just feel about 50% worse than I need to feel most of the time as a product of my diet and I'm unaware because it's so consistent? Sadly, I think the answer is yes.

All that being said, did I learn from that shaky and uncomfortable start to the day? Not really. A student brought cookies to school for his birthday, so of course that was my lunch because I'm foolish. To be honest, if I'd counted, I probably wouldn't have been that far over, but I didn't count so I can't even play that card.

I almost had another total loss of a day. I was busy taking care of the boys, washing dishes, folding laundry, putting up Christmas decorations, cleaning up the boys' toys, finishing up some work that I brought home and taking a shower, so I was about to say "meh...forget it...", but then I thought about the prospect of having to write something entirely depressing and forged out of failure once again. I just couldn't do that, despite the fact that time and my own energy level would've made it very easy.

I didn't do much by most people's standards. I tried one of the "1 mile walk" 15 minute workouts on OnDemand because that's what I had the time and energy for, but it actually (sadly perhaps) kind of kicked my butt. I was certainly sweating almost immediately and I felt like it was definitely doing my body good (even though it felt like someone was stabbing me in my calves). The "host" is named Kendra Kemerly. To be honest, I was a little disappointed initially to see that it wasn't Leslie Sansone, the annoying but sort of love-to-hate New Yorker type, who hosts all the walking workout videos I've done before. However, after a meer sixty seconds, I already vastly preferred Kemerly to Sansone.

Kemerly has a familiar aura to her, and something about her demeanor makes her seem completely free of judgement, a trait that's difficult to find in workout video hosts. Despite the fact that she's a tiny little bulldog without an ounce of fat on her, her incredible body somehow doesn't seem unachievable and she has a normalcy to her look and tone that makes working out feel less like a punishment for being obese (this is why I hate Jillian Michaels, but I know I'm in the minority there).

For those familiar with Leslie Sansone's Walk Away the Pounds series, Kemerly's moves and patterns will feel so familiar that you won't have that awkward first time going through a workout video that I despise where you're fumbling around trying to keep up (as if you didn't already feel totally lame exercising in your living room). My one complaint is that there was virtually no warm up or cool down, so next time I'll be stretching beforehand for sure, but for something I just randomly found on OnDemand, I was very very pleased. I'll be doing it again because it was an excellent workout for someone like me who is on a time budget.

Despite how much I enjoyed working out once I had finished it, I wouldn't have worked out if it weren't for this blog and if it weren't for you: the loving, masochistic person still reading this. Sometimes the prospect of having to report my failure is motivation enough not to fail. Now the eating just needs to follow.

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