Monday, November 11, 2013

Day #1--Reasons I Need to Lose Weight

So today was day #1 of my second attempt at 365 days. Overall, I think I did a pretty good job of sticking to my goals and trying to start off on the right foot.

In the food realm, my sister dropped off a casserole dish of mac and cheese from my mother last night, basically right after I posted my entry. At first I was, really? But then I decided to count the calories in it and use portion control to allow myself to enjoy her tasty and kind thought. I was very controlled during the day so that I could have some for an early dinner. It was super worth it.

What was the most interesting about today, however, was the difference not taking my iPhone out of my purse until the boys went to bed made. Okay, correction, I took it out once to log my calories for about 90 seconds, but then it went right back in. And it was shocking how much less of a zombie I felt like and how much more time I had to spend with my kids and how much more communicating I actually did with my husband. I still used my laptop for a little bit, mostly to write this blog entry, but something about not having the convenience of my iPhone made me less likely to waste time just staring at the blank screen, refreshing Facebook, checking my work email obsessively, etc. It was pretty awesome. I also got some stuff done like paying bills. My mortgage company thanks me, I'm sure.

So that was my day. In addition to the two victories above, I also wrote 1,013 words in my novel after the boys went to bed, so my progress on my weekly goals is...
  • Ate 1,695 calories for the day (that's more than 400 fewer calories than I am allowed! woot!)
  • Only took my cell phone out for 90 seconds while the boys were in the room
  • Wrote 1,013 words for the day (1,987 left for the weekly goal)
  • Didn't workout (5 more miles left this week)
In addition to my normal daily post, I'm going to post some add on stuff as I get restarted here. Today I want to talk about reasons why I want to lose weight. I feel that keeping these in mind will make me more driven to work towards my health goals, and I also think they may remind readers of similar "whys" they have as well. So here are my reasons why...
  1. My stupid husband is so freaking skinny it makes me NUTS! Back in the spring we were both going to count calories (my suggestion). He did and I did not. He has since lost almost 70lbs. I have since gained about 5lbs. All jokes aside, that's not fair to him. It doesn't honor his success and sacrifice. And when I eat garbage around him, it only tempts him and derails him. That's not very loving.
  2. My stupid sister is so freaking skinny it makes me NUTS! My sister and I have usually been fairly comparable when it came to weight. I had my months where I was 10-20 lbs heavier and she had the same, but I would never have said one of us was "the fat one". Now I am most definitely the fat one. She's been so good about losing weight despite a busy work schedule and I have been so not. Not cool.
  3. I want to be healthy for my boys. I want to run around with them and keep up with them and not hold them back from doing something physical because of my own limitations. I want to be around for them for a long time and I don't want them to be embarrassed to bring their friends home because their mom is a fatso.
  4. Clothes. I refuse to buy more fat clothing and my size 18-20 and XXL stuff is getting pretty worn down since I don't have much of it and therefore have to wear the stuff that I do have more frequently.
  5. I want to dress up for C2E2 and Wizard World next year. I feel like the only costume I could pull of right now would be Jabba, and he's like not even in my top five favorite Star Wars villains, so that's out. Also, when I pay like $100 for celebrity photo ops with some of my favorite geek actors, I'd rather not be so repulsed by my own presence in the picture that I don't even want to display them.
Thanks for reading, homies! See you tomorrow!